Having blogger's block is horrible and everyone who is creative knows that. When your work just feels forced and you just seem to be lacking the urge to produce work you're proud of it can really put you down and make you feel off your game.
When you're extremely passionate about something or you're looking forward to really just kicking ass in whatever it is you like to kick ass in, not being able to put your best foot forward really feels like a kick in the teeth. Sometimes it's for personal reasons sometimes there may be no reason at all and you end up more frustrated because you don't see why this is happening. The best advice I can give for that is to wait it out. I say that from experience, it's what I'm currently doing.
This can happen at the worst times, don't get me wrong and then you feel like you really have no time to "wait it out" for me it's close to my deadlines, I have work up to my ears my actual jobs (yes plural) are at their busiest and my blog seems to be suffering because I just can't get my butt into gear.
I'm just one person and I'm also only 20. I cannot expect to run the world because I really don't even know enough about it yet. Being an overly ambitious person can be problematic sometimes because you want to do it all and even though it's possible if I'm being realistic it'll take some time.
Mental health is something that can have a huge effect on us and our ability to produce. It isn't something I speak on too frequently just because I know that many people will suffer with mental health issues a lot more than I have and I am definitely one of those people who believe if others have it worse who am I to complain?
I am sure when I am more confident I will probably go more in depth about mental health and how it can really take over your life. But for now I just wanted to address how being in a "slump" affects me. I only say slump because I feel it's a much kinder umbrella term I prefer to use for myself when describing how I have felt at certain times of my life. I'm not saying I hide in my room, I find that despite whatever is going on in my life I can be a fairly high functioning person, I work, I will socialise to some extent if I have to. But then I will also sleep a lot, think of negative situations and really work myself up to a point where I know I'm upset, but refuse to do anything about it, I also have a terrible habit of keeping these negative thoughts to myself. something I wouldn't recommend anyone to do because when you do this you can often bring about even more toxic thoughts and it will only cause more harm than good in the long run. I understand that telling people your problems can feel bothersome and I also have opened up to people to only receive an abrupt or hurtful response but that is not the norm and there are always people who will listen to you, whether it be a friend or a stranger. I will forever stand behind the idea of getting help if you feel your mental health isn't at it's best state. When I was 15-16 I spoke to a woman named Sue all throughout my final year of secondary school and I know for the rest of my life I will hold her in the highest regard as I feel during a time in my life when I needed someone the most she was there, even if it was only to listen, it really made a hard time more bearable. I understand not everyone believes things like this work but if the opportunity presents itself, I would suggest you take it.
As rambly as this post was, I do hope it helped to some extent, if you know of any tips that help with bloggers block and also help you when you feel a bit down let me know
Details for the outfit are linked on my instagram - renbreauxblog
Ren x
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