How do people have flawless feeds and amazing insta stories? Cause I just can't. If you follow me on my blog instagram, @renbreauxblog (thank you!), you will know I'm a pretty pitiful instagrammer. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the app, I love scrolling through feeds and looking at people's glamorous lives but that's just not me. I'm pretty boring and even though I'm an active snapchatter it's a lot easier and I feel a lot less pressure to come with A1 photography whereas on Insta I often shy away from taking pictures at all unless I feel like they're "worthy."
Fun fact - I actually had a blog when I was about 14-15 and I showed off Barry M nail polishes on it. I wish I stuck with it because this was before the blogging boom and everything became supersaturated. It was also before the explosion which is Instagram so I didn't feel the pressure to have superb photographic content. I could just write about my hi shine jelly polishes and feel proud when I got a few views.
Insta-babes also make me feel sub-par, you know the ones I mean, beautiful, head to toe in designer and are often pictured on holiday with their bikini bodies. Can't relate. I feel lucky because even though the comparison stresses me out I don't really get that jealousy that many people complain about over girls Insta lives. I know that they tend to only be showing what they want and who's to say their pictures haven't been edited 10x over?
Most bloggers we've seen complain about the instagram algorithm and how hard it is to grow so how do you think I feel as a baby blogger who wants to grow her brand? Problem is, everyone is so visual if you want people to actually read your content, you do have to have some pretty pictures to get their attention first. When Instagram first became a thing I was about 15-16 and most pictures we saw were covered in filters and cringey captions but now majority of posts we see are strategically planned and for quite a few people the posts won't be going up unless there's some dolla involved.
I have a Nikon camera but I don't lug the thing around with me 24/7 so if there's an insta-worthy opportunity all I have to hand is my iPhone 7. Even though the quality is pretty good I can't help but feel like any pictures I take must be high grade camera level otherwise I'll just be bringing down my feed. However it's faster, easier for me to do on the go and I know that you can still get some decent shots with a phone camera, so really it's up to me to decide what I want to do. Do I want quality camera photographs which take time to plan, sift through and edit for a quickie selfie shot showcasing my new nails or savvy high street buy?
Jacket - Missguided (now on sale!)
Jumper - Primark (similar)
Jeans - Topshop
Necklace - PrettyLittleThing
I can't imagine how frustrating this must be for those who have been in the blogging game for years and perhaps haven't adjusted to the instragram transition so well. We all know blogging is a business now and if you don't keep moving with the times you seem to be at risk of falling behind and no one wants that to happen. But if your engagement starts to dwindle or your followers just aren't increasing at all how are you meant to feel like you're on top of your game?
If you're an avid instagrammer, how do you do it? Let me know cause I think I'm seriously lacking the inspiration right now!
Ren x
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