Monday, 8 August 2016

Don't Knock A Content Creators Hustle! - Some Creators To Follow

Whenever you look on Twitter, Youtube or Instagram you can see people promoting their newly started channel or blog, I have no problem with this, after all I do it myself. How are people meant to gain any views to their page if people aren't aware of it?

I'm an avid twitter user which you will know if you're a friend of mine or follow my account, and a huge topic that I see come up is boys or other black girls joking or shaming in some cases other girls for promoting their work, I won't lie it actually confuses me.

"Every girl is a youtuber now with your shit contour" A tweet I saw a few weeks ago and it made no sense to me, well damn girl, didn't know you were the standard to which we must set ourselves. Saltiness is never cute. Support people's grind, everyone has their own creative outlets we have to remember that and shitting on other people's passions is never a good look.

"Black girls date white boys and give birth to blogs" - Okay, I won't lie, I found this one funny. I retweeted and favourited it, this may be true in some cases but hey once again don't knock the hustle of a strong black woman! I know I'm not the most consistent with my blog but I do love it. Writing has made me happy for a long time and the fact I have a place where I can write about anything and there's really no limit to what I can do/say is very pleasing.

Blogs aren't limited to just women with an interest in fashion who want to branch off to youtube and make money. I see men with poetry blogs, women with interest in the progression of natural hair knowledge and I've come across spoken word artists that really resonated with me on a deeper level.

As for rappers, I do find some of tweets and instagram posts funny talking about "Sometimes sit down and tell your friend music isn't for them" but really how fair is that? Everyone has to start from somewhere and even if someone isn't in their prime, it's all about trial and error. This time last year I was surrounded by some really toxic people that claimed to be friends with someone who at the time I had a very close bond with and hearing them talk down about his passion hurt my feelings, supporting your friends is key. It's already hard enough to tell people about your passions and the idea of friends being anything less than supportive just makes me disappointed, are they really your friends if they don't want success for you? When I started blogging I heard nothing but good things from those who are close to me. Of course there is constructive criticism but I need that to progress and get out better content, I want to be proud of what I put out there.

I do agree that Youtube is saturated with content creators, but at the same time that can be positive as if there was only a handful of Youtubers out there how would we really find things that relate to us and are beneficial? If there weren't so many black youtubers I probably wouldn't know what products are women of colour friendly. If there wasn't natural hair enthusiasts I wouldn't have learned about the different hair textures there are. Sounds stupid but my hair has been relaxed as long as I can remember and now more than ever I feel like I should know more about what my actual texture is.
Also with social media being so saturated with creators it pushes people to go above and beyond with their content, no one wants to half ass a post if they know that there's so many amazing videos out there, nothing wrong with a bit of healthy "competition" (I say this in apostrophes because really it's not a competition but you can always get inspiration from other creators)  

Basically, I believe in supporting everyone, all the people with huge followings started off somewhere, who's to say anyone that you give a bit of recognition to now won't be doing amazing this time next year? You never know.

Here's a few content creators who's work I enjoy and I think deserve some recognition:

Artisits/Musicians/All round entertainers:


Lifestyle/Beauty/Fashion Youtubers:

Please give them a look and show support!

Ren x

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