Thursday, 16 February 2017

Why People Don't Understand You And Your Blog

"Oh you have a blog? Why?"

....What do you mean why? I have one because I wanted one, duh.
A lot of people have questioned why I even started a blog in the first place and have made me feel super weird and embarrassed about the fact that I have one at all. People tend to judge what they don't understand and then one of their first responses is to poke fun at the fact you enjoy blogging. One of the problems that come with being a creative is that people won't have the same vision as you and what you are willing to put work into, they see as a waste of time.

I've had a few occasions where I'll be in a social setting and then someone comes to me with "so what is this blog stuff you do?" It makes me uncomfortable because even though I enjoy blogging when people question it, it makes you just feel odd. I touched upon it in my Content Creator post which you can read here.

Something people don't seem to recognize is that running a blog, a Youtube channel or any type of creative platform shows a lot of talent. I mean, it shows you have initiative, motivation and organisational skills. You end up being a writer, photographer, editor and HTML specialist! It's a lot of work and it's not something that majority of people would put the time into. But you do.  Be proud of that.

For me, blogging fits into my life, don't get me wrong it is a lot of work and I'm still not on top of my blogging game, but alongside my life as a whole, it fits. I take journalism in uni and want to go down a career path of that focuses on social media and journalism. If you look at criteria for a lot of jobs that relate to that, they want the skill sets that come with running and maintaining a website. Running a blog alongside working part time and being in uni full time can be stressful, but the perks are there and for me I feel it's worth it. I love it when someone compliments my blog out of nowhere or even tells me that they read it. A lot of work gets put into posts and even though people may not realise it, it's something that bloggers want to see grow and any bit of recognition makes you feel like your work is appreciated.

Another thing, the blogging community is so vast, there's literally blogs about everything, it's like a huge hub of free content and you can specialise it to your tastes depending on what you blogs you're subscribed to. Even if the blogging/vlogging world is saturated, no one can make you feel weird for adding to that, after all your content is always going to be different to the next bloggers, that's why it's yours.

 If you're a blogger who doesn't work in a field that's particularly creative, blogging will be that outlet for you. It's like a secure part of the internet that you can use to do whatever the hell you want. So never be discouraged by those who don't see how great you and your blog are.

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