Wednesday 5 April 2017

Don't Be So Hard On Yourself...

We are all guilty of being a bit too hard on ourselves sometimes, it's only natural especially if you're a really determined person. You have all this ambition and yet things just don't seem to be going your way so you end up feeling a bit rubbish. This is okay. No one is on their A game all the time it just wouldn't make sense to be so. You're more likely to burn out if you're moving full speed ahead all of the time.

I was on Facetime to a friend talking about our ambitions and goals and we both came to the realisation that we are ambitious procrastinators (I'm coining that term) meaning we know what we want but when it comes to getting it sometimes you just slow down along the way. That, once again, is completely acceptable. No one is expecting you to have all your shit together when you're 18 or 28. No one knows it all. Majority of the time you tend to be your own harshest critic and the only person who's really stressing over your performance is you so chill out

Expectations & Comparison

These can be a killer especially when you're looking at Twitter and Instagram seeing other bloggers/people around your age seeming to be killing the game, whilst you're there in your scruffy robe drinking tea. Try to remember other people's wins are not your losses and when it comes to social media people tend to only post the best of the best of their lives so you never really know what's going on. Also try to see their successes as a motivator! They're running their life and why can't you run yours? You have the exact same amount of hours in the day that they do, you have all these amazing resources and your determination is obviously there for a jealous streak to come out in the first place.

Take Pride In Small Victories
When you hit 100 likes on instagram. When someone randomly tells you they love your blog, when you have a productive day and actually get everything done that was on your to-do list. These are all small victories that we need to be better at taking pride in, obviously there's massive long term goals but Rome wasn't built in a day so why do you expect to accomplish those straight away? 

Be Kinder To Yourself

If we're being honest, when you're being so hard on yourself the only person you're hurting is you. If you sit down and just give yourself that little bit of allowance you'll feel better. I tend to fret over the smallest of things and really work myself up until I have to be calmed down and that's not good. 9/10 the things I stress about tend to get resolved pretty soon after and I feel like a bit of an idiot knowing I just wasted an evening crying about it, an evening which I could've used a lot more productively.

Ren x 


  1. Good points here, I definitely find it hard not to be too hard on myself. With regards to comparison - I think one good thing to remember is that everyone's path is different, so it's always best to focus on yourself!

    1. Very true, being too focused on other's peoples pasts often does more harm than good!

  2. These are definitely good points! This is something that I struggle with. Especially having gone to a 'good' school, I find it hard to accept the fact that I can't do everything perfectly, and that some days just getting the dinner done is a victory.

    Thanks for sharing this!

    Beccah xx

    1. Thank you! Somedays we're just not on our A-game, I definitely feel you on the school situation, a lot was expected from me growing up and not being able to achieve it all use to really affect me but I'm getting better at accepting it x


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