So if you've been on Twitter or Youtube the past few days you've probably seen articles or tweets floating about regarding Patricia Bright. She's a Youtuber and a pretty successful one at that. So in her most recent video she spoke on recent cosmetic surgery she had done and her reasons behind it. Now I didn't notice any changes in her from previous videos and was only made aware once she uploaded this. At first I felt the initial feelings of "oh great" but as I started to watch the video I could only empathise with her feelings. She spoke on her feelings about her body before and after childbirth, the changes that happened that she couldn't "rectify" (a term I use lightly because I don't believe childbirth ruins your body it only changes it) she let us know how much she spent trying to get back to what her body was beforehand which included thousands on a personal trainer. This is not Patricia's first surgery as she's let us know in her previous videos about her breast augmentation and has spoken on being skinny her whole life.
When I went to Twitter and saw some of a negative comments I was pretty confused. People saying how she promotes self confidence but has made changes to her body, making jokes about everyones body posi until their cheques clear etc.
Something that made no sense to me was people voicing their disdain for her surgery saying they were disappointed in her and if I'm being completely honest I think it's obvious to say that this annoyed me.
A lot of people push social media as the sudden reason for people getting their bodies enhanced in particular their lips and bums. But in some communities it's these have always been desirable elements and not having them even from a young age caused a lot of negative attention. From the age of about 12 I got bullied incessantly for not having boobs or a massive bum (who even has a massive bum at 12?!) I went to an all girls school so you would've thought that wouldn't be the case and we'd all be a lot more accepting of each others bodies but no. That did not happen. And because of a solid 8 years of people reminding me of my non existent extras I developed extreme self confidence issues. I would feel anxious walking past groups because I didn't want anyone to draw attention to how skinny I was and I also would always wear coats and dusters that covered my bum. There was always a subtle form of being angry at the fact I couldn't really do anything to make myself what was seen as normal for those around me. This was before social media and the Kim Kardashians of the world made being a figure 8 attractive. However as that era of social media came on it didn't help my situation.
This isn't a woe is me I've been skinny for life post, I've made the changes I can (meaning I gym 3-4 times a week and try to eat right and I have put on weight) but I still don't have the body that in my own head is seen as perfect or desirable. Years of being told you're not what the majority want will really sow the seed in your brain.
I do know if I was in Patricia's position i.e. financially stable, I would be well within my right to do what I want with my body and I would probably be on the first train down to the Harley Medical Group for my consultation. Social media seems to have left people with a sense of expectation and false sense of agency over other people's bodies which continues to leave me perplexed. I understand that it is the fan base that has helped establish these influencers, but if they want to make changes in their personal life that ultimately have no effect on us...who are we to believe we have any say in what they do?
I applaud Patricia for her honesty because if I'm being completely honest, I would say it's none of anyone's damn business.
If you were in Patricia's position, would you make any changes? And if so, would you let your fan base know and open yourself to scrutiny?
(Watch Patricia's video on her body here)
Ren x
Hi b...just stumbled on your blog and i do agree with what you have to say. I dont think because a person tweeks their bodies it means that they cant promote confidence. If confidence was based on letting your body do what it wanted, there wouldnt be the need to go to the gym or eat healthy. So surgery, working out, healthy dieting, these are all procedures we all take to have the types of bodies we want. I love this post bcause its so relatable.