Thursday, 5 July 2018

Why I Hate Adulting

So Twitter and Facebook are full of jokes about adulting. But I am 100% serious when I say I hate it, when you're younger the idea of being an adult is so appealing but no one warns you about the constant responsibilities, "i need a grad job" crisis or the ever looming feeling of impending debt.

Granted I'm can get away with saying I'm not a fully fledged adult just yet as I still have a few months of uni left before I have to throw myself into the adult world. However it doesn't mean the stress is any less.

Being in university is essentially like being in limbo...majority of uni students are just adult sized babies, who often divide their time sleeping, nursing a hangover or crying (whether it be over money, not enough sleep or how bad their hangover is) but it also allows a lot of leeway for us not having our shit together.

However if you are a worrier like me, you often forget that you're just a 20-something who doesn't technically need to have their life in order and proceeds to have anxiety about everything.


So back to why I hate adulting;

- Navigating it is just a bitch. For example, this morning I had issues with my credit card being taken out of my account twice, which messed with all my finances and stressed me the F out. I'm saving to move and any unexpected expenses are not what I need right now. After trying to sort that out I spent about an hour on the phone to my mom and my boyfriend consecutively. (Fun fact this is my only day off work and I've spent the first 4 hours of it in tears, loving life)

- Saving for a rainy day just feels impossible. Especially when you seem to constantly have money coming out of your account. Aside from my cheeky ASOS order (or two) I feel like I never can save. I want to own a house one day so God knows how that'll happen (I'm aiming for just outside London people so a deposit will be a bomb)

- Fear of the unknown. There are so many people my age making massive moves already and when you're looking at their success through a little screen whilst you feel proud you also feel a meh. Like where is my life going and why have I not got a car, a flat in London and breakfast meetings at the Ivy already?

Another worrier problem is constant feeling that you need to achieve everything ASAP. When I was 16 I probably thought by 23/24 I'd be financially stable, living it up at events and bringing in 40k a year. Don't get me wrong. That's achievable but the realization that it's harder than I originally thought isn't a nice pill to swallow. 

Top - New Look
Jeans - Primark
Mules - New Look
Bag - Mango Outlet

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