Hello guys so this week I'm back with a short post, talking about my favourite music picks recently.
As this is going to be a short post I don't see the need of a long winded introduction so let's get into it!
My first favourite song recently is 3500 by Travis Scott, Future and 2 Chainz - I wasn't a big fan of Travis Scott before and whilst I've had the Rodeo album for a while but I never actually started proper listening to it until recently. Despite listening to Antidote like so many other hip-hop/rap lovers I hadn't actually given Travis a chance until my music was on shuffle one day and I heard 3500 and Night Call.
Another song that I've been enjoying which is much more chilled out in comparison to those two is How Do You Love Me? by SPZRKT & Sango, I don't think many people know about this song because I don't hear people speak about it but I find that very surprising considering how good it is!
The vocals are amazing and the pair themselves are extremely talented and because of this song (which I found whilst browsing SoundCloud) I have now started listening to their music a lot more.
Someone I've never been a huge die-hard fan of is Chris Brown, don't ask me why I don't really know myself. I understand he's talented and I understand his appeal but his songs aren't the first thing I gravitate towards on Spotify or Soundcloud.
But..a song of his I have been loving is Back to Sleep from his newest album. I honestly haven't got too much to say about this song though it is quite explicit so if that would offend you I definitely wouldn't suggest listening to it.
Something else I've been loving, though it isn't music I have been listening to them is podcasts. I've started getting into them recently as background noise when I'm getting other things done and particularly I've been listening to Youtuber Stella Rae's podcasts which she posts twice a week on Soundcloud.
I think I will leave it there for this post. I am thinking of using either Spotify or Soundcloud for my music picks if this becomes a regular thing. Then if you guys are wondering what I'm loving you can simply check on there!
If there's any songs you've been loving recently let me know!
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