Friday, 30 September 2016

Weekly Recap #1

Hey, first off I hope everyone's had a good week and a chill(or turnt) weekend!

Okay I want to try something a bit different alongside my usual content. Weekly recaps. The name is boring but it's a work in progress so bare with me. I just want to be able to culminate all my thoughts of the week, what I did, what I learnt etc in a blog post, hopefully one a week alongside with another post.

It may be a bit of a rambly post but really it's just me talking and I'm a rambly person!

Back to Uni

I spent most of my summer working to put money down on my accommodation for uni so I don't really feel like I got a break but in terms of being back in uni, that started this week. I went out for the only freshers event I attended this year(in comparison to the few I went to last year and every student night till about April) which in opinion was pretty lit. Maybe it's because I was just happy to go out and hadn't in a long time but I enjoyed myself. But I did have my enrolment the next day which was pretty rough. But I got it done. Oh and my student loan delayed by a few days but I can't complain because I've got it now.

I did miss a lecture because of a job interview but the other ones I went to, scared me a bit, I won't lie to you. Politics, shorthand and photojournalism. Now I may consider myself a creative person, but when it comes to photos/art. Don't think it's my forte. Shorthand is essentially another language and I barely scraped my C in GCSE french so this will be a task in itself. And politics. Just wow. However I won't say I'm not happy to be back in education because I do feel it adds a bit of purpose to my life and helps with my sense of direction. I liked being back in a lecture hall. I also felt very motivated to start work early so I give future Renny as less stress as possible.

Job Stress

Anyone who knows me knows I work, a lot. Despite being a particularly lazy person on my off days when it comes to work I'm usually the one doing 8-10 hour shifts and whenever everyone makes plans it's me who hits them with "can't I'm working." It's something I was use to but lately it's really started to affect me in a negative way. I'm starting to hate working. I was working two jobs last year just because I could and I liked having the extra money in my hand. Back to that this year and I detest it. Same places of work and there's not really anything wrong with either but I just feel like when do I get my "me" time, y'know?

Despite hating working right now I know myself and if I didn't work I'd either be a) super bored b) spend money as if I was working. So in short, I do need to work. I'm really in two minds on whether I should just keep both jobs or drop one and suffer in silence until I find something that doesn't drain me as much. Some details on my jobs; one's in fast food and I love the people there but the hours are tiring and I've nearly worked there a year. Can't have false nails or piercings which is a bit annoying for me but I've dealt with it so far. Job 2's at a club I worked at before but the people there with the exception of a few just don't vibe well with me. Super unorganised and the pay's good but the work is boring as hell. I need to be in a fast paced environment and right now they have me doing boring jobs that drive me insane. I've also been applying to other places, had one interview, a few lined up but half of me just doesn't want to work again until I graduate. I'm that tired, guys.

Spending Habits

I spend like a crazy person, I'm fully aware I have a problem and I'm okay with saying it. Because I'm so use to weekly pay and cash in hand, I constantly have money coming in. That's great but at the same time troublesome because if I suddenly don't have money I'm stressed out to the max. I can't be broke. It doesn't compute with my shopaholic nature. I really want to learn to manage my money better and budget for things but it's not a concept I've been able to grasp just yet. Maybe one day but for now not so much. I always make sure I have money for the important things. My rent, my netflix, food etc but everything else is kind of a gamble.

Being Tired ALL THE TIME

I'm constantly tired. Like if I have 10 minutes to myself, I'll probably fall asleep. I know its a combination of my busy work schedule and the minimal amounts of sleep I get (I'm a morning person, not necessarily by choice) and the fact that overall I've always been the kid lacking some type of vitamin or another that my body needs. I am trying to sort this, cutting down my hours, trying to regulate my sleeping pattern. I'm not quite there yet but I think I'm getting better.

Being Ill

For the 2nd year in a row, ya girl caught freshers flu. My immune system is weak as fuck. I literally went out once and next day felt like I had been to every pre drinking sesh, event and club for the last two weeks. Coupled with my busy schedule this cold has just progressed and I'm praying that it's just that/my body adjusting to the weather. But lemon and honey is my best friend right now.

I Love The Flower Crown Filter 

I don't know how relevant this is to anyone but for me, it's important. That filter is my favourite okay. Use to be the dog but now not so much. Yes I'm being basic. But I'm also being cute. So it's all good.


I've been liking podcasts, more specifically Amber Rose's Loveline one, its free and it's on the podcasts app which is something I never used before. It's about sex and relationships so if that's a topic you're cool with I'd definitely give it a listen.

Goals for next week

1. Find another series of podcasts I like
2. Try to beat this damn cold
3. Attend all my lectures on time, despite working a night shift beforehand
4. Go to the gym
5. Not to buy anything frivolous
(I am not to confident on the last two but we will see next week)

Okay I think this was a pretty decent length for a new blog post series, let me know what you think

Ren x


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