Saturday, 31 December 2016

A Year Ago...

This is similar to my last post simply because I'm trying to bring out all the new banging content for the new year so keep your eyes open for that. But I don't want to leave the blog to gather dust so a few short but sweet posts will be uploaded. This being one of them.

I was thinking about how much my life has changed in the past year and how in certain parts of my life I've excelled and in some I've gone way down but it's all part of life, aye.

1. I was better money wise. 2nd year of uni hasn't been my best when it comes to budgeting.

2. I was in a terrible "relationship" I say that in brackets because now I can only see it as a long running test of my faith and patience. But thank goodness I'm in a much better place relationship wise and I can only see positives in my future in this regard.

3. I had bad eyebrows. What was I doing though, seriously. I didn't even use concealer on them. It wasn't a good look.

4. I let a lot run. Despite feeling I'm a strong independent woman, I am definitely one of those people who will let someone upset them and complain about it later. No more of that.

5. I acted a lot more immature about things this time last year. Not saying I'm super mature but I have got better at controlling my petty outbreaks.

6. I could balance two jobs and university with ease. This year...not so much. I'm just about getting the hang of one job and uni but like everyone's been saying this is the year that really counts.

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