Can you believe the year is basically over? It's crazy and I'm so excited for the new year I'm surprising even myself. I'm not one of those new year, new me people, but I am feeling optimistic for what 2017 has to hold for me, my life and my blog so I can't help but feel excited.
Motivation for 2017
Like I just said I'm feeling super motivated for the year ahead and as cliche as it sounds I just have a good feeling (saying that I hope I'm not here a year later talking about more Ls) but the positivity I'm feeling is so much I can't help but try to spread that positivity to others.
Starting A Bullet Journal
I'm really interested in starting a bullet journal. In my efforts to get more organised this new year alongside with my creative journal I want to get another cute little marble number and use it as my bullet journal for 2017. I've been into the bullet journal videos that are on Youtube and I just envy those people who seem to really have their ish together.
Being At Home
I love being at home.As you'll know if you read my blog that I rarely have the time to go home and visit my family, but on Christmas eve after work I did drag my suitcase from uni to London and got to spend Christmas with my family. I'm not the most festive of people but this year I really felt and appreciated it. Going to the boxing day sales didn't do me too bad either (well, maybe my wallet)
Rest Is Needed
Being at home means that I really get time to rest and reflect and something I've realised is that when I get the time to rest I really use it to my best abilities. Even if my version of rest is drinking endless cups of tea and catching up on people's blog posts and trash TV. It's needed.
Creative Circles Help Growth
This sounds so simple but it is really true, I can say I know a handful of creative people, I wish I knew more, but those who I do know are truly an inspiration. Being any type of creative often means you are faced with a wall of negativity and it takes a strong person to push past that and continue pursuing your passion, whatever that may be. I know I am going to try and make it a point to socialise with more creatives as well as support any creatives who I see on social media doing their thing!
Comparison Isn't Needed
Obviously you can use other people as inspiration but I've made the conscious effort not to compare myself and my situation to others. It's not good for the mental health in my opinion, I love seeing other's progress and passion and instead of thinking "oh I wish that was me" I turn it into "good for them, I can't wait to see my growth." Try that.
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