Not the most jolly of posts but I think it's one that's definitely needed around this time of year. If you're a university student, you're probably fast approaching your deadlines for this semester and if you're like me you're promptly freaking out about it. It's okay. We all are. I am by no means an expert when it comes to getting my shit together, I mean I'm in my second year of uni and here I am a few weeks from my deadlines and yet here I am, procrastinating. Oh what am I like, aye?
But forreal, I do feel like as I get older I am getting better at trying to organise my shiz and overall making sure I hit my goals, and I'm going to share how I've been slowly but surely getting my life in order.
Become a list fiend
I carry around a pink marble notebook from Urban Outfitters and I have the Wunderlist app on my phone, Macbook and iPad. Excessive I know, but really it's helped. I'm so unorganised by nature and constantly writing lists helps me feel a bit better, like, at least I know what I have to get done. Also I always feel a slight pang of guilt when I check my app and see there's still a buttload of things I haven't accomplished.
Use SMART Goals
Smart goals are something I learnt about at Channel 4. Obviously we all have goals but saying "I want to do this" and actually laying out how you want to do it are two different things. SMART stands for; Specific, Motivating, Attainable, Relevant and Trackable. All these have to be there in order for you to really see your progress in terms of reaching your goals. Example, I want to get my politics essay done by the end of this week. That's specific. It's attainable because I've already started it. It's relevant cause if I don't do it my pretty little butt will be resitting in the summer (also kinda motivating because I'm motivated to get this semester over and done with!) Trackable? Yes it is I can see whether I'm making progress. In terms of content? I want to get out some bomb posts, I feel like my content has been lacking lately and in terms of my blog I'm slacking. I'm going to make sure I apply SMART goals to my blog, and hopefully have some great content coming out for you soon!
Plan Your Work Load
Coming off of what I just said, organisation is key and planning out my workload is a must if I hope to see any improvements, I try to plan my days out from what errands I need to run to how much of each assignment I need to complete each day. If you look at everything in bulk you may start to panic but if you know you only have to do 1/5 a day by the end of the week you would have accomplished it all as long as you stick to it, right? Right.
Utilise Your Study Space
I know that I can't study at home, point blank period. I need to be in an environment that is solely based on learning, so the library. Even though I live about 10 minutes walk from my uni library, this cold weather isn't making the trek any more appealing. But I know it has to be done if I actually want to get any work done. Also when I do get to the library I almost always try to book a study space whether it be a room or a pod because I feel less distracted in those areas and therefore I'm more likely to be productive.
Well isn't this the pot calling the kettle black? Queen of procrastinating. Right here. I have no problem with admitting I'm terrible when it comes to this. But I'm trying! For example it's 11.15 right now and after this post I'm giving myself till 12 to start my day properly. That means getting out of bed, tidying my room and doing whatever else I have to do, instead of doing what I would normally do which is blast through my Youtube watch later playlist and look at blogposts online. Oopsie. In all seriousness I know it's a bad habit and I've become a lot more aware of when I'm doing it, so I try more actively not to do it. I feel good after getting everything I needed to do for the day done.
Treat Yo Self
All hard work deserves a treat. Not necessarily "I did half an hours work so I deserve a Gucci Dionysus bag" scale it back a bit now, but of course if you're working your butt off then you should be able to take a break, reward yourself with maybe an afternoon off, a cheeky takeaway or a relaxing night in. Or a night out. Whatever's your preference. It's hard to stay on top of everything especially as grown women trying to get our shiz right! Balancing work, uni, social life and whatever else you are dealing with is a lot! Try not to overwork yourself and always remember it's okay to take a step back and breathe.
I hope this post helped and now you feel a little bit calmer about tackling your workload.
Ren x
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