Saturday, 14 January 2017

Dealing With Hurt

First of all, being hurt is something that happens to everyone and there's not much we can do about it, but we can try to cope with it a lot better.

Take Time
No one can tell you how long you need to deal with hurt, tell you "it's not that deep" or belittle your feelings in any way. That's not fair and if you have people close to you that do that. Tell them to stop that shit right now. It's not fair on you. Take as much time as you need, everyone processes things differently.

Assess The Situation
Sometimes when you go through hurt, you're so blinded and feel so "woe is me" that you don't realise that there really is a silver lining. Sometimes this takes time because being hurt can really make any other positives feel small in comparison.

Lean On Those Who Care
If you're hurt, isn't now more of a time than ever to speak to those who are closest to you, whether that be a family member or a close friend, these are the people who should support you when you're going through hard times. However always keep in mind, in times of need when you open up to someone and they are not as supportive as you feel they should be, perhaps do not be as quick to tell them your life story. When telling your friends about problems, you should leave the situation with your mood elevated, not left questioning why you opened your mouth in the first place.

"Me Time" Is Essential 
Taking time for yourself is something that everyone should make sure that they do. A lot of time we are so preoccupied with getting 100 things done at once, trying to make sure we keep up with other people's plans, that we don't take the time for ourselves and that often leaves you feeling drained. Have a "me day" and you'll notice how much better you feel.

Try Journalling
I recently decided to start journalling and I do believe it helps, sometimes you want to vent, and personally whilst I have people I can turn to, I am quite a private person by nature when it comes to my feelings, and writing is very therapeutic, you will automatically feel better as you have got your feelings out and it often clears the mind.

Appreciate Life Lessons
Always remember, every single thing that has happened to you in your life, has made you the person that you are. This is cliche but it's honestly so true. Even though there are many things in my life that I would much rather have not happened. They molded me into the person that I currently am and if I'm completely honest, I love myself. So how bad can every thing have been? In the long run, they make me wiser, going through bad situations will make you appreciate good ones all the more.

We are literally a culmination of life lessons.

Ren x


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